
Country Ambassadors

Mexico ICAACDora


 Dr. Dora E Corzo-Leon, Infectious diseases consultant in Hospital General Dr Manuel Gea González. México City Email: On request.
 View the Fungal burden of disease in Mexico: Publication Corzo-Leon et al 2015 & poster here; View GAFFI year 1 press report for Mexico
 Personal comment on the major needs in Mexico which GAFFI should be addressing:
  • In Mexico we need to work on surveillance, diagnosis of opportunistic and endemic invasive fungal infections.
  • We need to evolve the concept of the study of medical mycology to an integral view, which consider the host, risk factors, local characteristics and needs, culture and non-culture diagnosis resources and multidisciplinary management.
  • In addition, our aim in Mexico should be consolidate the specialists in medical mycology who work as separate individuals as a solid group in medical attention and research.
 Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Mexico:
 Mexican association of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology; Revista Mexicana de micología.  Mexican society of mycology. Medical mycology certification program (alternate years).  Nuevo León University, Department of Microbiology.