GAFFI Priority Fungal infections
GAFFI has identified several fungal infections as its highest priorities. Three are primarily complications of AIDS and immunosuppression (cryptococcal meningitis, Pneumocystis pneumonia and disseminated histoplasmosis) and one is a complication of tuberculosis and other lung diseases (chronic pulmonary aspergillosis). The others occur in those with normal immune systems and are ‘implantation mycoses’ or injury related and occur primarily in tropical countries, so are NTDs. More general information on NTDs can be found here. For more detailed information, please download the fact sheets below.
For more information on the “Hidden Crisis” of fungal diseases view here.
Cryptococcal meningitis Fact Sheet
Cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS (100% mortality undiagnosed and untreated, >75% survival with best treatment)
Disseminated histoplasmosis Fact Sheet
Disseminated histoplasmosis especially in AIDS (most common in the Americas) (100% mortality undiagnosed and untreated, >90% survival with best treatment)
Pneumocystis pneumonia Fact Sheet
Pneumocystis pneumonia in AIDS, cancer and other groups (100% mortality undiagnosed and untreated, >80% survival with best treatment)
Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis Fact Sheet
Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis following TB and other pulmonary diseases (slowly progressive, destructive lung infection with high morbidity, ~15% annual mortality, over 60% response with oral therapy)
Neglected Tropical Fungal Diseases [NTFDs]
Fungal keratitis Fact Sheet
Fungal keratitis following eye injury (if untreated usually leads to blindness, 75% visual recovery with antifungal treatment of mild/moderate infection)
Chromoblastomycosis Fact Sheet
Chromobastomycosis (chromo) a neglected tropical skin disease of poor agricultural workers and curable in the early stages
Download 2018 Application to the WHO for adoption as an NTD
Daniel Wagner C. L. Santos 2021. The global burden of chromoblastomycosis PLoS Negl Trop Dis. Supplementary data.
Sporotrichosis Fact Sheet
Sporotrichosis (“gardeners” disease) is a broad term used to describe a chronic granulomatous fungal disease, mainly of the skin and lymphatic vessels acquired through traumatic inoculation (implantation mycosis) or by inhalation of conidia
Mycetoma Fact Sheet
Mycetoma is a deep subcutaneous and bone disease characterised by massive deformities and disabilities with an enormous negative impact on patients and communities.
Emery D & Denning DW (2020) The global distribution of actinomycetoma and eumycetoma. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. Supplementary data.
Paracoccidioidomycosis Fact Sheet
Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic endemic mycoses with important morbidity and mortality in Latin America, from Mexico to Argentina.