
Country Ambassadors

Ameyo Dorkenoo

Ameyo Dorkenoo

 Ameyo M. DORKENOO, Associate Professor in parasitology and mycology  at faculty of Health Sciences in University of Lomé
Medical parasitologist at the university hospital center - Campus in Lomé. Email: On request
 How you have helped GAFFI so far? I provided to GAFFI the updated information related to the current status of the offers of services for the diagnosis of fungal diseases Togo as well as the situation of availability of antifungals and their costs in Togo. Advocacy efforts for the list of essential drugs revised in 2020, focusing on some antifungals. 
In order to  strengthen the knowledge of the medical school students, we try to emphasize those fungal diseases frequently found in Africa.
 Personal comment on the major needs in Togo which GAFFI should be addressing: The practice of fungal disease diagnose in medical laboratories is at an embryonic stage. Only one laboratory at the central level has a mycology unit, two others are in the process of setting up theirs. 
Therefore, fungal diseases remain neglected, the needs are enormous through lack human resources. The personnel need for capacity building is necessary through initial and continuous training as well as appropriate infrastructure, equipment and specific reagents. 
The availability of mycological reagents, the availability of antifungals specifically for invasive fungal diseases also poses a problem because few are available in pharmacies but at a high cost. 
Biological confirmation of fungal diseases needs to be strongly built and developed in the country with partner support.

Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Togo: