GAFFI has conducted a detailed survey of diagnostic capability in Africa and current guidelines for the management of cryptococcal disease in HIV/AIDS patients. These data are combined with the availability of antifungal therapy already made available here: antifungal access.
This dashboard shows how close sub-Saharan African countries are to implementing all key aspects of public health policy and clinical practice for minimizing deaths from cryptococcal meningitis. The push to end deaths from cryptococcal meningitis was launched in May 2021. Ending Cryptococcal meningitis deaths by 2030 strategic framework
GAFFI’s comprehensive survey of fungal disease diagnostics across Africa is in the final stages of analysis. Lumbar puncture, cryptococcal antigen, microscopy, and fungal culture are all critical to high-quality care of patients with suspected meningitis. Imaging the brain with MR scans is helpful for differential diagnosis.
This dashboard is current as of June 2022. It will be updated.
Cryptococcal meningitis dashboard