GAFFI’s overall primary goals are to improve access to diagnostic for fungal disease liked to appropriate antifungal therapy. The approach for different conditions varies, as does the optimal laboratory approach.
To this end, GAFFI has summarised its policy for 5 topic areas:
- Minimising deaths from AIDS due to fungal disease
- TB-like fungal lung disease – getting the diagnosis right
- Fungal Neglected tropical Diseases
- Laboratory Services for Fungal Disease diagnosis
- Antifungal resistance
Theory of Change Model
GAFFI has summarised its learnings over the last 7 years into a Theory of Change model to inform programme development and its evaluation. This model is iterative and will evolve over time.
Policy Briefs
- Minimising fungal disease deaths in advanced HIV disease and AIDS
- Briefing note TB and CPA February 2023
- Neglected fungal tropical diseases – truly neglected and not so tropical
- Access to fungal disease diagnosis in country health systems needed to combat fatalities
- Antifungal drug resistance – a dramatic global problem
Fact Sheets