In this 10 year roadmap, we call upon governments, policy makers and international health agencies to:
• Support the goal of reducing AIDS deaths to under 500,000 by 2020, with a determined focus on the commonest lethal fungal infections cryptococcal meningitis, Pneumocystis pneumonia, disseminated histoplasmosis and chronic pulmonary aspergillosis after tuberculosis
• Ensure that 95% of people with serious fungal disease are diagnosed and 95% treated by 2025 (95-95)
The way to accomplish these goals is laid out in the roadmap.
View GAFFI roadmap launch slides
Roadmap for the diagnosis and management of fungal diseases: DW Denning Thorax July 2015 Vol 70 No 7, 613
Bringing fungal infections in from the cold: Lancet (Newsdesk) vol15, Aug 2015, 884