Patrick Francioli

Patrick Francioli studied Medicine in Lausanne and undertook several missions for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Bangladesh, South Vietnam, Iran and Indonesia. He did postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Laboratory in Lausanne and several internships in American universities. He was appointed Chief Physician in hospital epidemiology/Infection Control at the CHUV in Lausanne and full professor in 1994. From 2000 to 2006, he was head of the Infectious Diseases Department, and from 2006-2012 was Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine at the University of Lausanne, from which he has now retired.
Patrick Francioli has been internationally recognised for his expertise and his research work in the field of hospital infections, infectious endocarditis, Lyme disease and AIDS. He contributed to the influence of Swiss research as President of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study for 16 years. He has published more than 400 scientific articles. He was one of the founders of Swissnoso, a Swiss expert group dedicated to the reduction of nosocomial infections and multi-resistant microorganisms. He led the Programme Committee for Europe’s premier infectious disease meeting (ECCMID) for many years.
No potential conflicts of interest.