Skhumbuzo Ngozwana

Dr Skhumbuzo Ngozwan

Dr Skhumbuzo Ngozwana is CEO of Kiara Health, a South African based, Africa-focused healthcare company. He is an international expert on the African Pharmaceutical industry and has worked in both private and global public health organizations. He consulted to the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the United States Pharmacopeia Convention (USP). He co-authored the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa. The plan was the output of the extensive research and analytical work he conducted on the African pharmaceutical industry. He co-authored the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Sector Strategy and Action Plan and the pharmaceutical sector strategies of several countries. He consulted for USP on their Africa strategy and authored a USP Thought Leadership Paper titled, The Next Frontiers for the Public Health Medicines Market: Rethinking Priorities for Improved Access to Quality-Assured Medicines for Universal Access. He is passionate about the development of the local pharmaceutical and medtech sector in Africa as a way to achieve health security and has written and spoken on the topic at leading local and international conferences.