Country Ambassadors

M.S. Mahbub, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences, Dhaka.
Email: On request
How you have helped GAFFI so far: Estimated the burden of serious fungal infections in Bangladesh. This was published Gugnani 2016.
Personal comment on the major needs in Bangladesh which GAFFI should be addressing: Further analysis of epidemiological data on fungal infections, particularly deep mycoses is required. Life-threatening fungal infections are likely to rise in immunocompromised patients with diabetes mellitus, malignancy, organ and stem-cell transplantations, infections like HIV/AIDS and drugs like chemotherapeutic agents and glucocorticoids. There is also work to be done in improving laboratory diagnosis and making anti-fungal drugs affordable and available on a wider scale.
Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Bangladesh: World Health Organization; UNICEF; Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control & Research (IEDCR)