Dangerous gaps in Diagnostics and Treatment
Country Ambassadors

Flavio Queiroz Telles, Associated Professor – Department of Public health, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil
Email: On request
How you have helped GAFFI so far? We have estimated the Brazilian national burden of fungal infections, presented as a poster at ECCMID 2013 conference and has now been published Giacomazzi 2016.
NOTE: As preparation of the Global Fungal Infection Forum 4 on health systems and fungal diseases held in September 2019, the burdens of serious fungal infections were estimated for all Latin American countries English Spanish
Personal comment on the major needs in Brazil which GAFFI should be addressing: We need all contemporaneous diagnostic tools and antifungal therapy at affordable costs. All endemic mycoses should have the status of “Neglected Diseases” just like mycetoma under the WHO.
Forthcoming 1st Meeting on Histoplasmosis 2016 agenda
Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Austria: Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases: www.omicsonline.orgBrazilian Society of Tropical Medicine: www.sbmt.org.br INFOCUS (Fungal Infections in the Clinical Practice – Latina America) https://www.infocuslatam.org/news-infocus-latam.php