Country Ambassadors

Professor Eduardo Alvarez Duarte Academic and researcher, University of Chile, Santiago de Chile. Email: On request
Fungal burden of disease in Chile:This has been presented as a poster at ECCMID 2014 and has now been published Duarte 2017.
NOTE: As preparation of the Global Fungal Infection Forum 4 on health systems and fungal diseases held in September 2019, the burdens of serious fungal infections were estimated for all Latin American countries English Spanish
Personal comment on the major needs in Chile which GAFFI should be addressing: We need to work on surveillance and diagnosis of opportunistic invasive fungal infections.
We need to evolve the concept of the study of medical mycology to an integral viewpoint, with an interdisciplinary network, involving clinicians, scientists and laboratory scientists.
We need to educate and train more people in medical mycology, with courses and seminars for students, clinicians and laboratory scientists
Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Chile:
Mycology Reference Center in National Health Institute: