Country Ambassadors

Dr. Tafese B Tufa, Assistant Professor of Clinical Microbiology at Arsi University, College of Health Sciences, Asella, Ethiopia and Coordinator of the Hirsch Institute for Tropical Medicine (HITM), Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany in collaboration with Arsi University, Asella, Ethiopia. Email: On request
Fungal burden of disease in Ethiopia: Now published 2019
Disseminated Cryptococcosis Is a Common Finding among Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients with Suspected Sepsis and Is Associated with Higher Mortality Rates – PubMed (
Access to the World Health Organization-recommended essential diagnostics for invasive fungal infections in critical care and cancer patients in Africa: A diagnostic survey – PubMed (
How you have helped GAFFI so far? I have participated in the conference “Essential Diagnostics list for advanced HIV disease and serious fungal infections” held in Kampala, Uganda, April 10-12, 2018, organized by GAFFI. I have been involved in studies related to cryptococcal meningitis in Ethiopia. I have contributed to the estimation of the burden of fungal infections in Ethiopia, the data of which have now been published in 2019 and 2023. I have been teaching Medical Mycology and Microbiology to medical students at Arsi University in Ethiopia since 2013.
Personal comment on the major needs in Ethiopia which GAFFI should be addressing:
Data on invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are limited in Ethiopia. There is a need of data to design appropriate programs for treatment and prevention of IFIs. GAFFI can help researchers, clinicians, and health facilities generate reliable data on fungal diseases in the country. GAFFI can share experiences, create awareness, and network experts in the field of mycology.
Fungal diseases are neglected, perhaps even misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed in Ethiopia. GAFFI can help to build mycology laboratories through collaboration with Ethiopian researchers and the government. Appropriate antifungal drugs and point-of-care tests are not widely available in the country. GAFFI can help by raising awareness and appointing an Ethiopian GAFFI ambassador. GAFFI can also facilitate workshops, on-site or short-term trainings, and develop protocols to reduce the shortage of local specialists in the field. Ethiopian experts in this field, please do not hesitate to contact me by email: On request