Country Ambassadors

Dr Dora E Corzo-Leon, Infectious diseases consultant in Hospital General, Mexico City, Mexico. Email: On request
Prof Alexandro Bonifaz, Head of Mycology Department. Dermatology service. Hospital General de México, Mexico. Email: On request
View the Fungal burden of disease in Mexico: Publication Corzo-Leon et al 2015 & poster here; View GAFFI year 1 press report for Mexico
NOTE: As preparation of the Global Fungal Infection Forum 4 on health systems and fungal diseases held in September 2019, the burdens of serious fungal infections were estimated for all Latin American countries English Spanish
How you have helped GAFFI so far?
Prof. Alexandro Bonifaz: Being part and reference center in the study and diagnosis of Mycetoma in Mexico, which is a frequent condition in many tropical and subtropical areas.
Personal comment on the major needs in Mexico which GAFFI should be addressing:
Prof. Alexandro Bonifaz: In Mexico, like any underdeveloped country, it first requires that there be an increase in work centers certified in medical mycology; most of the reference centers are in the important cities, and that only helps in the adequate diagnosis of some fungal diseases, however in the tropical and poorer areas, there are no adequate work groups. Therefore it is necessary to increase aid in the southern areas of Mexico, where there are many endemic mycoses (mycetoma, sporotrichosis, chromoblastomycosis, histoplasmosis). It is necessary to create a network of work centers that coordinate for a greater of diagnoses-. (primary and opportunistic pathogens). More infrastructure is required to support molecular studies, biomarkers and current technology such as proteomics diagnosis.
Dora Corzo-Leon: In Mexico we need to work on surveillance, diagnosis of opportunistic and endemic invasive fungal infections. We need to evolve the concept of the study of medical mycology to an integral view, which consider the host, risk factors, local characteristics and needs, culture and non-culture diagnosis resources and multidisciplinary management. In addition, our aim in Mexico should be consolidate the specialists in medical mycology who work as separate individuals as a solid group in medical attention and research.
Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Mexico:
Sociedad de Infectología y Microbiología Médica; Revista Mexicana de micología; Asociación Mexicana de Micología;Nuevo León University, Department of Microbiology; Academia Mexicana de Dermatología; Sociedad Mexicana de Dermatología