Country Ambassadors

Dr Ingvild Nordøy, Senior consultant at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Norway
Dr Ingvild Nordøy, Senior consultant at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Norway

Dr Ingvild Nordøy, MD, PhD, Senior consultant at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Norway.
Email: On request
How you have helped GAFFI so far?: We have welcomed the efforts on establishing data on the global burden of fungal diseases by providing data for Norway. They are now published Nordoy 2018. Furthermore, we educate Norwegian medical students and doctors through annual or semi-annual courses on medical mycology with an emphasis on invasive fungal infections. Finally, we provide national health authorities with information on the global situation on fungal infections, in an effort to getting their support in promoting the issue at the WHO.
Personal comment on the major needs in Norway which GAFFI should be addressing: We need continuing education of the medical community of these rather rare diseases in Norway. An ongoing improvement of rapid diagnostics and susceptibility testing is warranted. We also need a better oral armamentarium of antifungal drugs, as conditions demanding long-lasting treatment seem to be increasing.
Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Norway: The National Reference Laboratory for Medical Mycology; The Nordic Society for Medical Mycology