Dangerous gaps in Diagnostics and Treatment
Country Ambassador
Asst Professor Kauser Jabeen, Assistant Professor and Consultant Microbiologist, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan Email: On request
View the Fungal burden of disease in Pakistan: Jabeen 2017.
How you have helped GAFFI: In collaboration with Professor David Denning in estimating the burden of fungal infections in this country, and this has now been published Jabeen 2017. I have also reviewed and given feedback on modules 1 and 2 of the “Online microscopy course for fungi for laboratory based scientists and doctors” – microfungi.net
Personal comment on the major needs in Pakistan which GAFFI should be addressing: The major needs in Pakistan regarding fungal infections is:
- To create awareness amongst general public and health care workers regarding the burden and significance of fungal infections
- To strengthen the diagnostic capabilities of laboratories in both public and private sectors
- To provide new tests and techniques at a subsidized cost to laboratories
- To upgrade 1-2 local laboratories to a regional/national level reference laboratory
- To establish a fungal infection registry in Pakistan
- To develop links with out of country reference laboratories for quality improvement and external quality assurance
- To improve clinician’s perspective and diagnostic capability regarding fungal infection diagnosis and management
- To ensure availability of less toxic newer antifungal agents in the country at subsidised costs.
Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Pakistan: