Country Ambassadors

Name: Gloria Celeste Aguilar BarretoDirectora- Instituto de Investigacion Regional en Salud (IRIS) Universidad Nacional de Caaguazu.
Email: On request
How you have helped GAFFI so far: I have recently helped GAFFI to estimate the systemic mycosis in Paraguay and this was presented as a poster at ECCMID 2019 conference. The data and key findings from these estimations are essential to put fungal infections firmly in the spotlight of the public health of Paraguay. Also I have helped for the diffusion of the results of the estimations in scientific events.
NOTE: As preparation of the Global Fungal Infection Forum 4 on health systems and fungal diseases held in September 2019, the burdens of serious fungal infections were estimated for all Latin American countries English Spanish
Personal comment on the major needs in Bangladesh which GAFFI should be addressing:The major needs in Paraguay are: a) need for improved the surveillance of fungal infections in the public and private health services b) need to train in the early diagnosis of fungal infections to doctors in health services c) we need to put the fungal infections in the public health agenda d) strengthen and decentralize laboratories for the diagnosis of fungal infections. e) increase publications on the topic of fungal infections. f) Need for better diagnostic tools to help quickly and accurately identify fungal infections.
Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Paraguay:
Instituto de Investigacion Regional en Salud. UNCA
Direccion de VIgilancia de la Salud, Ministerio de Salud Publica
Programa Nacional de VIH/sida/ITS