
Country Ambassadors

Raquel Sabino

Dr. Raquel Filipa Pinheiro Sabino

 Raquel Filipa Pinheiro Sabino, Postdoctoral fellow, National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon Email: On request
 How I have helped GAFFI: I have been in close contact with clinicians and mycologists and tried to spread GAFFI aims. Together with some Portuguese mycology experts and Professor David Denning, we launched a study to estimate for the first time ever, the burden of severe fungal infections in Portugal, which has now been published Sabino 2017. I intend to promote GAFFI in my country through our National society, social networks and media.
 Personal comment on the major needs in Portugal which GAFFI should be addressing: In Portugal, there are few epidemiological studies on fungal diseases at country level. We have local studies on specific fungal groups or on specific populations but deeper knowledge on this issue is required. Improving the awareness for different manifestations of fungal diseases and also increasing the training in their diagnosis is an important step in the stewardship on this area. Furthermore, to increase the research on fungal infections in Portugal, it is mandatory to have access to more funds for R&D.
 Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Portugal:
 Associação Portuguesa de Micologia Médica – ASPOMM https://www.facebook.com/p/Aspomm-Associa%C3%A7%C3%A3o-Portuguesa-de-Micologia-M%C3%A9dica-100062946024031/
 National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge – INSA  http://www.insa.pt