Country Ambassadors

Professor Aida Sadikh Badiane, Assistant Professor at Cheikh Anta Diop University and Biologist at Dantec Hospital, Dakar Senegal Email: On request
View the Fungal burden of disease in Senegal: Publication: Badiane et al 2015 & Poster here
How you have helped GAFFI so far? Estimation of the burden of fungal disease in Senegal. Focussed on getting the country’s first Mycology Laboratory fully functional. Personal comment on the major needs in Germany which GAFFI should be addressing: In Senegal we need to train clinicians and biologists in fungal infections and develop the mycology labs. In fact, not many studies have been done in the field of mycology, and very few specialists in medical mycology exist in our country. Now we realize that there is a real problem because not many people and funds are devoted to either diagnosis or research in fungal diseases. In our laboratory fungal diagnosis is based on microscopy and culture, and we often have identification problems due to a lack of expertise and / or resources.
Links to key fungal/global health institutions in Senegal