Country Ambassadors

Marina Macedo-Viñas, Medical Microbiologist, Sistema Nacional de Investigación, Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación. Montevideo, Uruguay. Email: On request
How you have helped GAFFI so far? In collaboration with Dr. Denning, we have estimated the burden of serious fungal infections in Uruguay. Macedo-Vinas, J. Fungi, 2018.
NOTE: As preparation of the Global Fungal Infection Forum 4 on health systems and fungal diseases held in September 2019, the burdens of serious fungal infections were estimated for all Latin American countries English Spanish
Personal comment on the major needs in Uruguay which GAFFI should be addressing: Given the magnitude of the burden of fungal infections in Uruguay (estimated at 3716/100,000 persons each year) we need to improve access to first line antifungals, some of which are not available (posaconazole, micafungin, anidulafungin) or are too expensive to be provided to all in need (caspofungin, liposomal amphotericin B, voriconazole). There is a need for improving diagnostic tools and strengthening the reference laboratory.