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GAFFI annual report released alongside burden of fungal diseases estimates for Benin and Sweden

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GAFFI released its 2017 annual report at the European Conference of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) following its Board meeting. GAFFI’s Guatemala program takes centre stage showing the immediate diagnostic benefits of rapid screening of ill patients with HIV infection for AIDS for cryptococcal diseases, histoplasmosis and tuberculosis. Other highlights from 2017 include inclusion… Read more »

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Flucytosine takes centre stage for cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS

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In a happy coincidence March 15th marks 2 major steps forward in treating fungal meningitis in AIDS. The World Health Organization has accepted the pre-qualification of flucytosine application from Mylan. This means greatly accelerated approval of this life-saving drug in at least 32 countries, in a very short time frame. Dr Sile Molloy (St, George’s… Read more »

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Global health improvement targets announced on World Aspergillosis Day

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Aspergillosis, lung and sinus disease caused by the fungus Aspergillus, affects around 15 million people and kills over 1 million each year.  Announced today at the 8th biennial Advances against Aspergillosis international conference in Lisbon starting on February 1st, are the 5 aspirational targets for aspergillosis to be achieved by 2030: Survival in invasive aspergillosis… Read more »

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Histoplasmosis in Africa is under-recognised and under-reported

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Dr Rita Oladele, GAFFI’s Ambassador in Nigeria has highlighted a worrying lack of diagnosis and reporting of histoplasmosis in African countries. Despite being an AIDS-defining infection, much basic information about histoplasmosis is lacking, including accurate incidence/prevalence rates, morbidity/mortality rates, and outcomes. This is due to haphazard reporting in regions with more basic laboratory and imaging… Read more »

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Havana meeting on the Neglected Tropical Fungal Disease Chromoblastomycosis, calls on Public Health authorities to take action

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Havana, 11th December:  (Read this in Spanish). Alongside the 80th anniversary of the Cuban Tropical Medicine Institute, 200 scientists and doctors sought common actions to reduce the stigmatizing burden of chromoblastomycosis. This persistent and progressive fungal infection is usually caused by a trivial injury, usually on the leg or arm, and has recently been recognised… Read more »

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As the true extent of fungal diseases in Pakistan is revealed, scientists launch a new book aimed at improving the diagnosis and treatment of life threatening fungal infections which affect 3.28 million Pakistanis

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Skin specialists around Pakistan have highlighted the fact that common fungal infections affecting the skin are now the leading cause of patients visiting skin hospital and clinics. Despite the prevalence of such infections and the reality of 3.2 million Pakistanis living with serious infections including keratitis, which can cause blindness, and the life-threateningCandida auris infection, researchers… Read more »

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How precise are country estimates of fungal disease burden? An updated analysis

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A worldwide increase in the frequency of fungal diseases has been reported in the last 3 or 4 decades. Knowing each country’s burden and epidemiologic trends of fungal diseases is necessary to prioritise prevention, diagnostics and therapeutic strategies. Country estimates for the burden serious fungal diseases have been published by Leading International Fungal Education (LIFE)… Read more »

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