
2019 GAFFI Annual Report issued with major progress on health systems and major mycology diagnostic network in India

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2019 was a pivotal year for GAFFI’s efforts  in 3 meaningful ways:

1) The first publication from its diagnostic program for HIV patients in Guatemala was published,

2) The world’s first Health System meeting on Fungal Diseases was held for Latin America in Lima, Peru and

3) The Indian government agreed to set up a state-wide network of diagnostic mycology laboratories to serve its large population.

Other key developments related to histoplasmosis in AIDS, including Histoplasma antigen being listed as an Essential Diagnostic by the WHO and the Manaus Declaration calling for:

1. Timely access to antigen or PCR diagnostic tests (ie with 48 hours in a working week).

2. Access to amphotericin B, liposomal amphotericin B and itraconazole in the public sector by 2025.

The burden of serious fungal diseases program has now reached 98 countries, with 8 further country papers published in 2019. Estimates for Bolivia, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica and Cuba were presented at the Health Systems meeting.

Major educational efforts on fungal diseases across the world are evidenced by GAFFI Ambassador network.

GAFFI’s core activity is an advocacy and numerous examples of success attest to the impact that GAFFI is making towards its “95/95 by 2025” goal of ensuring access to fungal diagnostic testing and affordable antifungals by 2025.

GAFFI Annual Report 2019