Launch of the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) Roadmap by WHO focuses on fungal skin disease

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Today the World Health Organisation, Geneva launched its 10-year NTD Roadmap which has a major focus on skin NTDs. Over 50% of NTDs relate to the skin and are often associated with stigmatisation, mental health issues and long-term disability. Globally, skin diseases are the third most prevalent cause of illness and one of the top… Read more »

138 million school age children in Africa have fungal scalp infection, affecting education and leading to social stigmas, medical experts say.

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A study has shown that nearly 1 in 5 school-age children in Africa have a fungal infection of the scalp referred to as tinea capitis with a reported 138 million cases of the infection found among school-age children in Africa, in the first African estimate of this disease. The investigative team led by Dr Felix… Read more »

Experts call for minimising deaths from cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS

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On World AIDS Day, experts from multiple African, European and American institutions have put out an alarm call to prioritise a strategy “to end deaths from HIV-related cryptococcal meningitis by 2030.”– in a commentary published in the prestigious journal Lancet Infectious Diseases. Undiagnosed and untreated fungal meningitis in AIDS caused by Cryptococcus is always fatal,… Read more »

Fungal eye infections leave over half a million people blinded each year, international research team says

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  Between 1 and 1.4 million fungal eye infections occur in the developing world per year, leaving over 600,000 blind say researchers from Manchester, London and Nairobi. Lead researcher Lottie Brown from the University of Manchester today published the first estimation of global Fungal keratitis figures in Lancet Infectious Diseases. Infection of the transparent cornea… Read more »

Según una investigación internacional, anualmente las infecciones fúngicas oculares dejan mas de 500.000 de personas ciegas

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  Este artículo también está disponible en inglés. Según un estudio liderado por investigadores de Manchester, Londres y Nairobi realizado en los países de renta media y baja, anualmente ocurren entre 1 y 1,4 millones de infecciones fúngicas oculares, que dejan a mas de 600.00 personas ciegas. Hoy se publica en el “Lancet Infectious Diseases”,… Read more »

Mycetoma more widespread than previously thought

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Nearly 20,000 cases and patients with mycetoma are now described in the literature going back to 1876. In a new paper from Darcy Emery and David Denning, cases have been described for the first time from the United States, Venezuela, Italy, China and Australia, greatly extending the range of this chronic infection.   Overall, mycetoma… Read more »

New study finds Invasive aspergillosis (IA) affects up to 2 million people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) globally

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New findings from the University of Manchester published in ‘BMC Pulmonary Medicine’ today found 753,000 – 2,272,000 COPD patients develop invasive aspergillosis among the 58 million hospitalised each year. Emily Hammond and Charles McDonald who co-authored the paper reviewed the results of other papers published worldwide between January 2000 and May 2019 and found that… Read more »

Fungal disease experts call for antigen detection techniques to be implemented for AIDS globally based on extensive Guatemalan experience

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Research paper  reveals non-culture testing for histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis and TB in AIDS is far more sensitive than microscopy or culture In a research paper published today in the prestigious journal AIDS, Narda Medina and colleagues from the Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections (GAFFI) and Asociacion de Salud Integral, Guatemala City evaluated the diagnostic performance… Read more »

Over a million people in China suffer from life-threatening aspergillosis

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Almost no one survives invasive aspergillosis without antifungal therapy. Thought to affect up to 300,000 each year across the world, a new research paper from Fudan University in Shanghai, China and the Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections (GAFFI) now estimates that 1,179,000 people suffer from invasive aspergillosis in China alone. This estimate excludes COVID-19… Read more »

GAFFI calls together experts in Lima to formulate new thinking on fungal disease management in Latin America

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July 1st 2020 15:00 BST (GMT+1) For Spanish version click here Briefing webinar: For further details of the briefing visit ECMM website September 3-5th over 60 fungal disease experts from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela convened in… Read more »