On the 10th of March 2023, Prof. David Denning stepped down from the role of CEO for GAFFI to become a Senior Advisor. In recognition of his impact on GAFFI, the world of mycology, and patients worldwide, GAFFI’s Board of Trustees issued the following statement:

“During the 10 years since the creation of GAFFI, Prof. David Denning has worked tirelessly and passionately to advance its vision. Prof. David Denning has given form, substance, presence, and standing to a field that at times seemed invisible to the medical and public health communities. In so doing, he has given a voice and visibility to clinicians, researchers and, most importantly, patients worldwide. His tenure as CEO leaves an extraordinary legacy and journey which is only partially captured by the outpouring of admiration, gratitude, and affection for Prof. Denning and what GAFFI has meant to them.
Over the past 10 years, GAFFI has been instrumental in ensuring the inclusion of fungal diseases in the discourse of human infectious diseases and making them a global priority. GAFFI has achieved this through regular dialogue with the World Health Organization (WHO); running the Global Forum on Fungal Infection meetings which have included over 450 experts, practitioners, industry representatives, and health systems planners from more than 60 countries; successfully advocating for multiple antifungal agents to be listed as Essential Medicines, and multiple diagnostics to be included on WHO’s Essential Diagnostic List.
GAFFI is now positioned to have an even greater impact in the years ahead as it enters a new phase. With a newly fashioned Board, we are committed to continuing and expanding on our legacy of excellence and impact. There would be no GAFFI without the selfless efforts of David Denning. The Board honours this through our commitment to GAFFI’s mission.”