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Fight back against fungal infections started in Lagos today

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At the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, a high level course on fungal diseases started today. With over 17 million Nigerians affected by serious fungal infections, and tens of thousands of deaths, better diagnostics are the cornerstone of improved care. The course focuses on modern diagnostics that need to be incorporated into routine care in Nigeria…. Read more »

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Delivering on Antimicrobial Resistance Agenda (AMR) Not Possible without Improving Fungal Diagnostic Capabilities

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Ignorance of fungal disease and lack of diagnostics across the world is causing doctors to unknowingly overprescribe antibiotics a new report warns. Experts from GAFFI (the Global Action Fund for Fungal Infections) caution that we will lose the battle against antibiotic resistance unless doctors better understand how to suspect fungal disease and have proper access… Read more »

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GAFFI opens UK sister foundation and Oddi Aasheim joins as Director

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For operational and fund raising reasons, GAFFI has set up a sister foundation in the form of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation – GAFFI UK. Sharing identical objectives and the same website, GAFFI UK will enable GAFFI to begin to implement its programs more easily and at less cost, and become tax-efficient for UK tax payers…. Read more »

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Itraconazole, voriconazole and natamycin 5% ophthalmic preparation proposed as WHO ‘essential antifungal medicines’

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GAFFI has applied for itraconazole (capsules and oral suspension), voriconazole (capsules and intravenous solution) and natamycin 5% ophthalmic solution to be placed on the World Health Organization (WHO) Essential Medicine List (EML), in collaboration with colleagues from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, International Foundation for Dermatology, London School of Hygiene of Tropical Medicine and… Read more »

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HealthWell Foundation Opens New Fund for the Prevention and Treatment of Fungal Infections

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GERMANTOWN, Md. — On October 12, 2016 — The HealthWell Foundation®, an independent non-profit that provides a financial lifeline for inadequately insured Americans,  announced that it opened a new fund to provide assistance to patients who are at-risk, or infected with, potentially life-threatening fungal infections, specifically Aspergillosis and Candidiasis. Through the fund, HealthWell will provide… Read more »

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Promoting Innovation and Access to Health Technology

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Last November, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called for a report on Innovation and Access to Health Technology, and set a High-Level Panel to do this. This report came out in September 2016, entitled “Promoting Innovation and Access to Health Technology”. • WHY WAS THE REPORT NEEDED? There have never been more medicines and… Read more »

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