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ECCMID 2019 presentations: burden of fungal disease estimates for Namibia, Paraguay and Kyrgyzstan; and fungal keratitis leads to over 600,000 blind eyes annually

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Over 1.1 million cases of fungal keratitis are documented annually, leading to >100,000 perforated or surgically removed eyes and >500,000 blind eyes, according to a team from the University of Manchester, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and GAFFI. Lottie Brown presented this systematic review at Europe’s premier infection meeting ECCMID (Amsterdam) earlier this… Read more »

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1 in 15 TB sufferers go on to develop chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, treatment could save 1000s of lives

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Around 1 in 15 people affected by tuberculosis are likely get the treatable fungal infection aspergillosis, according to research published today in the European Respiratory Journal by experts at the University of Manchester (UK) and Gulu Regional Referral Hospital (Uganda). The new knowledge could influence TB programs by helping doctors to identify – and treat… Read more »

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As in other low and middle income countries serious fungal infections (SFI) remain neglected in Ghana despite the rising trend globally. Most of these infections are undiagnosed or misdiagnosedleading to no treatment or wrong treatment. Low indices of suspicion among clinicians and gaps in the availability of diagnostics services and antifungal drugs are the identified… Read more »

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New crop fungicides could increase antifungal resistance WHO requested to act

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Antifungal triazole drugs are the mainstay of treatment for fungal diseases in humans and animals, yet their effectiveness is undermined by resistance. Very similar compounds are used on many crops to reduce plant fungal disease and increase yield. Today in Amsterdam, the Global Action Fund for Fungal infections published its letter to the World Health Organisation’s Director… Read more »

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Burden of serious fungal diseases in Ghana, South Africa, Ethiopia and Taiwan presented in Dubai at GCCMID

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  For 213 million people, the number affected by serious fungal diseases infections in Ghana, South Africa, Ethiopia and Taiwan has been unknown, until today. At the Gulf Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Dubai posters showed the remarkably high numbers afflicted, especially in Africa, an estimated 4%, 7% 9% and 2% respectively…. Read more »

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Director-General of WHO calls for more mycetoma research during visit to Mycetoma Research Centre in Khartoum (Sudan)

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  The Director-General of the World Health Organization (Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) has called for more research into mycetoma, a chronic fungal infection causing severe disfigurement of the hands or feet. Primarily affecting poor outdoor workers (labourers and herdsmen), mycetoma is thought to affect up to 50,000 people worldwide but accurate statistics are not available,… Read more »

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Gilead reduces price of AmBisome (liposomal amphotericin B) for cryptococcal meningitis in HIV/AIDS

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Gilead Sciences, a pharmaceutical company with an interest in AIDS, hepatitis C and infectious diseases, have expanded their access initiative for AmBisome (a liposomal preparation of amphotericin B) to include cryptococcal meningitis, where previously it was only for leishmaniasis. Governments and public sector procurers in 116 low- and middle-income countries can now buy the drug… Read more »

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