At Europe’s premier fungal infection meeting, Trends in Medical Mycology (TIMM), posters estimating the burden of fungal diseases for Morocco, Sudan, Cote d’Ivoire, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan (population 118 million) were presented. Only Côte d’Ivoire has a major HIV problem (500,000 infected people) and so the case numbers of cryptococcal meningitis and Pneumocystis pneumonia are low. In contrast, the relative numbers of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis was estimated at 8.6-46.3/100,000, some of the highest prevalence figures in the world in Tajikistan and Azerbaijan.
In Morocco, a direct comparison of the published incidence and prevalence with our estimates was displayed. This shows a large diagnostic gap in most diseases, notably Pneumocystis pneumonia, fungal asthma (ABPA and SAFS), candiaemia and recurrent Candida vaginitis.

The TIMM meeting was held in Nice, France from 11-14 Oct, 2019. Over 900 physicians, diagnostic experts and researchers attended from 67 countries. There were 500 abstracts accepted and posters presented, and another 3 video abstracts selected.

View the TIMM posters on burden of fungal disease in the following countries:
– Morocco (Lmimouni, Azelmat, Henneqin & Denning)
– Sudan (Albirair, Fahal & Denning)
– Côte d’Ivoire (Koffi, Ira, Touré, Djaman, Jambou & Denning)
– Azerbaijan (Osmanov, Denning & Huseynov)
– Tajikistan (Bobokhojaev, Osmanov & Denning)
– and accompanying paper: Bobokhojaev et al, 2019, Journal of Fungi
See the full list of countries for which fungal burden data are available